Member Only Content 
Full access to the Ibec web site is restricted to designated staff in Irish Medtech Association member organisations.
Entering one or more terms in the search box that appears at the top of the pages will search the entire Irish Medtech Association Skillnet web site.
Advanced search option
Advanced Search allows a more refined search by searching for all of these words, a phrase, some of the words, and/or exclude word(s).
Search - Other Operators
You can use "*" to find document that have the partial word specified.
(ie. polic* will return documents that have policy, policies, politics etc).
Adobe Acrobat
Many of the documents on this site are in PDF format.
These can be viewed with Acrobat Reader which may be downloaded free-of-charge.

Full access to the Ibec web site is restricted to designated staff in Irish Medtech Association member organisations.
Entering one or more terms in the search box that appears at the top of the pages will search the entire Irish Medtech Association Skillnet web site.
Advanced search option
Advanced Search allows a more refined search by searching for all of these words, a phrase, some of the words, and/or exclude word(s).
Search - Other Operators
You can use "*" to find document that have the partial word specified.
(ie. polic* will return documents that have policy, policies, politics etc).
Adobe Acrobat
Many of the documents on this site are in PDF format.
These can be viewed with Acrobat Reader which may be downloaded free-of-charge.